Yavapai Humane Society

Dog Guardianship Form

Dog Guardianship Form

Step 1 of 4

  • Thank you for taking the responsible step to enroll your beloved pet in Yavapai Humane Society’s Pet Guardianship Program. Dogs can’t talk, so they can’t tell us where or with whom they would like to live. To ensure that their home is a safe, happy & appropriate place for your dog to live, we need you to fill out this form in as much detail as possible. Detail & honest information from you is crucial to our placement process, so please take the time to fill in this profile with care & accuracy. Undesirable behaviors & medical issues do not necessarily create problems, however, not disclosing those problems definitely does. Inaccurate or incomplete responses can undermine the safety & happiness of both your dog & the new adopting family. If there are any questions that are unclear or that you are uncomfortable responding to for any reason, please ask to speak directly to one of our helpful staff about the issue.
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