‘Pied’ for a cause

Granite Gate Senior Living Community recently held a “Pie in the Face” employee fundraiser for the Yavapai Humane Society. YHS’s director of operations, Lori Richey, and development assistant, Kerry Whaley watched as the whip cream flew. Our employees earned tickets...

2016 Winter Critter Chatter

Check out our newest Critter Chatter online featuring handsome Remington as our cover dog.

Beatrice’s Happy Tail

Hi! I adopted Beatrice (now Sprout) and she is beginning to settle into her new home here at Arcosanti! Thanks so much for bringing her into my life, she’s such a lovely pup! – Ali
Main Campus
(928) 445-2666
1625 Sundog Ranch Road
Prescott, AZ 86301